Move a Muscle
Mini Breaks and Coping Strategies to manage stress throughout the day…
- Maybe you pray or sing.
- Maybe you BS with a friend for a minute about garbage television.
- Maybe you scream into a fan and laugh at the funny noise it makes.
- You tube bunny videos?
- Roly Poly facts?
- Rickrolls?
- Meme war…
- Stomp
- Listen to some funk.
- 5 minutes…noise-canceling headphones…just breathe
- Take a bath.
- Jumping Jacks
- Doodle.
- Throw some pre-made paint balloons at a pre-prepped canvas and start your career as a PoMo artist.
- Stutter into talk-to-text feature on your phone.
- Let Siri teach you to beatbox.
- Take a Nap.
- Practice your moonwalk.
- Memorize pi to the 11th digit
- Take a virtual museum tour.
- Write a haiku
- Grow something
- Slide around your house in socks
- Drive to an abandoned parking lot to watch the sunset/sunrise
- Send a letter to a penpal (Have a penpal)
- write a silly song
- sneak around your house like a ninja
- assemble your perfect apocalypse outfit
- finish that book
- write every curse word you can think of
- [digital doodle prompts]
- [Challenge: memorize a scene from your favorite movie and act it out]
- Talk to others who are dealing with similar struggles
- Read/watch things about folks dealing with similar struggles
- Aspire to be fulfilled
- Surround yourself with “good” people
- Smile…when you really mean it; try to mean it more
- resilience
- try trying to be happy
- remember the good/be grateful and show gratitude
- appreciate and savor the good
- give and help others
- Lose Track of Time
- Lose Yourself in Moments
- meaningful conversations
- spend money on other people
- Listen…Pay Attention
- Connections with people
- Music / Art / Beauty
- unplug
- Lose yourself in big ideas
- Exercise
- spend time outdoors
- good sleep
- laugh
- walk with confidence